
Data Is Key To Advancement


"Data Is Key To Advancement" - Nation Cheong
By: Solomon Kobina Aremu
Nation Cheong - Vice-President

Vice-President United Way
(Community Opportunities and Mobilization)

Leaders of the Black/African communities have been urged to put the gathering and dissemination of data at the forefront of all plans and strategies as we move forward as a community to advance our common goals.

The Vice President, Community Opportunities and Mobilization, United Way Greater Toronto, Nation Cheong made the call while delivering the keynote address at the Annual General Meeting of the African Canadian Social Development Council {ACSDC) held on November 13 at the Mozia Women's Network Society Hall in Toronto.

"Data is ruling the world. We have to build the evidence, gather the facts and data that puts the numbers behind the story as we present our case to be heard", Mr. Cheong said.
He asked what the graduation rate percentage target among black youth was for example. "As a community we must set a target for graduating rate of the youth and plan, mobilize and implement." Cheong emphasized the importance of the leader­ ship of the African-Canadian to generate and use data at the forefront in the fight for social, political and economic change. "With the right data and information about your community you can make a better case for getting the support and resources you need from the government and other organizations to create solutions".

Using the spread of African Canadians in the country for example he pointed to the fact that 60 percent live in Toronto and that shows the collective power we wield if properly tapped and directed. He recounted the hardships suffered by Canadians generally during the Covid-19 pandemic but said the disproportionate way it impacts the Black community "reminds us we have to look beyond the superficial and see our common goals through unity. We need to break the cycle", he concluded. He commented Kabu Asante and the leadership of the ACSDC for their energetic and creative efforts in expanding and unifying the African Canadian people.



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Solomon Kobina Aremu
Solomon Kobina AremuSolomon Kobina Aremu was born and raised in Ghana, West Africa. After completing secondary school, he moved to Nigeria where he studied at the University of Ibadan, completing his BA-Philosophy in 1990.

Following his degree, Solomon worked for Sketch Press Ltd, a group of newspapers at the forefront in the fight to restore democracy in Nigeria after a military dictatorship annulled the June 12th 1993 presidential election. With Sketch Press offices shut and guarded by heavily armed soldiers, its newspapers went underground, publishing from secret locations until it was no longer sustainable.

Solomon returned to Ghana and continued working as a print journalist and in public relations, managing the P.R. account of Guinness Ghana Breweries Ltd., before relocating to Toronto, Ontario, where he now resides.