
Ga-Adangbe Association of Toronto (GADAT)


Ga-Adangbe Association of Toronto (GADAT)
By: Unknown...

Ga-Adangbe Association of Toronto (GADAT)

The Ga-Adangbe Association of Toronto was established in 1998 by a dedicated group of a few Ga-Adangbe people of Ghana, who resides in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in Ontario, Canada. The association is a Not-for-Profit, Socio-Economic, and Cultural Organization and the aims, goals, aspirations, and objectives are same for the Ga-Adangbe people in Ghana. The Membership in the Ga-Adangbe Association of Toronto is open to all Gas and Adangbes by birth and/or by marriage, who are 18 years or older. It is also open to all Ghanaian descents, who do understand and are able to speak the Ga or Adangbe dialects.

Aims And Objectives:

The aims and objectives of the Association are as follows:

  • To draw all Ga-Adangbes in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) together so as to get to know each other better and support each other when the need arises.
  • To promote the culture and languages of the Ga-Adangbes in the Greater Toronto Area and maintain the links with their heritage.
  • To promote the Ga-Adangbe culture among our youth. To provide a voice for the Ga-Adangbes in the Ghanaian community in the Greater Toronto Area and in Canada at large.
  • To promote better understanding and good relation­ ships among all people of Ghanaian origin.
  • To enrich the multicultural Mosaic of Canadian Society.
  • To promote unity, peace and prosperity, to harness our collective resources, to perpetuate and promote our diverse and rich indigenous traditions and culture.

Cultural Festival

The main cultural festival of the association is called “Homowo”. This is celebrated annually in August (Civic Holiday Weekend). There are two parts of the festival:

  1. The Homowo-on-the-park, which is celebrated on a park.
  2. Homowo dinner dance celebration, normally held in September. This festival showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Ga-Adangbe people of Ghana. There is presentation of many different performances, which includes traditional drumming and dancing.

There are also different varieties of cultural cuisine and clothes. This year's Festival is scheduled to be held on August 6th, 2023.


The aims and objectives of the Association are as follows:

  • Ga-Adangbe awards $500.00 scholarship each to two (2) first year university students, who meets the criteria set by the association.
  • The association also takes on some developmental projects, such as donating food items and money to some orphanages in Ghana each year.
  • As a member of the Ga-Adangbe International (GDI), GADAT pays dues to the master association, which in turn uses the money for some developmental projects on its own in Ghana.

General Meetings

Monthly: 3rd Sunday of each month
(No meetings in July & December)
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Venue: Driftwood Community Centre
Address: 4401 Jane Str. North York. ON




By: GADAT---
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