Islamophobia is one of the most unresolved threats in our contemporary world, in terms of security, stability, integration, interaction, and coexistence. The main creators, organizers, causers, and triggers of lslamophobia include religious zombies, politicians, the corporate arms industry, petroleum economists, media, illicit lobbyists, pressure groups, warmongers, and individuals whose hearts were filled with hatred and agony. These groups' main motives originate from each or any of social, political, economic, and religious aspects.
lslamophobia affects all tribes and religious groups of humankind physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Thus, the majority of both Muslims and Non-Muslims live with fear and repugnance quotes regarding lslamophobia. Thus, they became vulnerable to constant attacks and assaults waged against them in the name of Islam. The trauma cases in relation to lslamophobia are not only abundant but also pandemic.
On the other hand, the individuals and groups who suffer from the lslamophobia syndrome, whilst justifying their criminality as an act of revenge, target people for their race, geographical region of origin, dressing style, and faith. For instance, Balbir Singh Sodhi (1949 - September 15, 2001), a Sikh-American entrepreneur and franchisee in Mesa, Arizona, the US, became the first person murdered in a hate crime in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. Similarly, the next several persons murdered for the same reason were chiefly non-Muslims. These innocent late individuals were targeted and murdered because of their dressing style, code of religious dress, beard, turban, place of birth, race, color, and physical appearance.